Thursday, September 29, 2005

Are you some kind of sick freak?

Another E.B

I wish I was cool, and had lotz of cool friends.
I wish more cooler people went to my school.
I wish I wasn't on people's death list.

complain, complain, complain.

I rully need to do some fun things IN THE NEAR FUTURE!

I want to go to the beach. This might happen soon.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

roadtrip, roadtrip, check, check

Recap of today:
-Exciting, right?!

I bet you wish you got a calculating belt clip.

Jesus juice

Lets have lots of fun.

My name is Lizzy and ima a super star if you mess with me you wont go so far
-o0o0o0o she thinks shes tuff
Correction I know I'm tuff!
-o0o0o0 she thinks she tuff


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Everybody wake up, it's time to get down.

School was tiring.
A 7th grader sang to me, and he gave me a nickname (chochee) on the bus this morning.
Learned about how I'll die if I have sex before marriage in health.
Passed out during class.
Got beat up.
Exchanged Latin answers for forged absent note.
So in the end, my school day was alright.

Cannnn't wait to hang with Bo-tang and A-ron.

Where are the color pencils?!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I like your style.

I need to wear belts more often..

Schhhoool was alright today.

I hate too many people.

I love hammocks.

Best conversations are when I'm half asleep.

I want to do something really exciting/fun/adventurous in the near future.

Monday, September 19, 2005

this, this guyy

My day was great,
Skipped school, straight edged it up at the liquor store, Dr. Pepper, CVS, Blockbuster, Lunch, Matilda, fields, whites, peter, spy rolls, gushers, magazines, and the wall of glory.

I want to go to the park, I want to play in the woods, I want to hang out more, I want to read more, I want to sleep more, I want to have a slumber party(no pigtails and painting nails included), hehehe....

Yeaahh, Bus/or train ride back to Philly with Bon this weekend? I think soo.

I don't really know about this life.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I wish I could shoot you in the eye.

I missed Unfabulous and Zoey 101 tonight.